Recommended Simulators
You are encouraged to use the simplest possible simulator to accomplish the task you are interested in. You can submit links to simulators not included here by opening a github issue.
Simulately |
A detailed wiki comparing various widely-used robotics simulators. Read this first. The rest of this table shows simulators and environments not mentioned by Simulately. |
Isaac Lab (formerly Isaac Orbit / Isaac Gym) |
Layer of abstraction and tools to make using Isaac Sim easier. |
Drake Simulator |
A framework of simulation, analysis and control tools for robotics. |
Deepmind Control Suite |
Set of robotics environments on top of Mujoco. |
Mujoco Menagerie |
High-quality description files and assets for robots, built on top of Mujoco. |
OpenAI Gym |
Atari, Mujoco, classic control, and third-party environments for RL. |
RoboSuite |
Robotics simulation environments on top of Mujoco. Also a benchmark. |
Klampt |
Modeling, simulating, planning, and optimization for complex robots, particularly for manipulation and locomotion tasks. |
Physics simulator for robotics and animation. |
Self-driving environment and benchmarks on top of the Unreal simulation engine. |
AirSim |
Robotics simulation environments for flying and driving, built on top of Unreal engine. |
gym-pybullet-drones |
Robotics simulation environments and tools for quadrotors on top of PyBullet. |
Habitat 3.0 |
Simulation of indoor scenes, humans, and robots. Good for visual navigation and social navigation tasks. |
GPUDrive |
GPU-accelerated multi-agent driving simulator. |
ProcGen |
Procedurally generated simulation environments (not robotics, but useful). |
RaiSim |
Rigid body physics engine. Supports biomechanics of human motion, as well as quadrupeds. |
Flightmare |
Simulation environment for flying vehicles built on top of the Unity simulation engine. |
IKEA Furniture Assembly |
IKEA furniture assembly environment. |
FurnitureBench |
Simulators, datasets, and real environments for furniture assembly |
RLBench |
Simulation environments for manipulation, built on top of the CoppeliaSim simulator. |
Simulation environments for visual and language-based navigation and manipulation tasks. |
MyoSuite |
Muscosceletal simulation environments for biomechanics, based on Mujoco. |
MetaWorld |
Multi-task RL environments and benchmarks. |
Bimanual Manipulation Gym |
Bimanual manipulation environments |
Recommended datasets
Simulately |
A detailed wiki comparing various widely-used robotics datasets. Read this first. The rest of this table shows datasets not mentioned by Simulately. |
D4RL |
Manipulation and navigation datasets for offline RL |
RoboMimic |
Manipulation datasets and imitation learning algorithms |
MimicGen |
Automatic augmentation of manipulation datasets starting from human demonstrations |
Optimus |
Automatically generating long-horizon manipulation dataset from Task and Motion Planners. |
Manipulation dataset across various labs and robots |
D4RL |
Manipulation and navigation datasets for offline RL |
Recommended RL, IL, trajectory optimization, and motion planning libraries
Simulately |
A detailed wiki comparing various widely-used RL libaries. Read this first. The rest of this table shows libraries not mentioned by Simulately. |
RL library used for training quadrupeds at the RSL lab at ETHZ. Used in Isaac Lab. |
MPC motion planner on the GPU |
Open motion planning library |
Mink |
Inverse kinematics library, built on top of pink and pinocchio |
PureJaxRL |
RL library in JAX, with training and environments running fully on GPU |
CleanRL |
Clean implementations of Online RL baselines |
Clean Offline RL |
Clean implementations of Offline RL baselines |
rliable |
Method and library for reliable evaluation of RL algorithms |
Diffusion policy |
Implementation of diffusion policy in action space for imitation learning |
Implicit behavior cloning |
Implementation of behavior cloning with energy based models |
Theseus |
A library for differentiable nonlinear optimization in Pytorch |
Model-based RL algorithms |
List of model-based RL algorithms |